MQL4 Reference Constants, Enumerations and Structures
Named Constants
Other constants
Other constantsSpecial constants are used to indicate parameters and variables states. It can be one of the following values:
The NULL constant can be assigned to a variable of any simple type or to an object structure or class pointer. The NULL assignment for a string variable means the full deinitialization of this variable. The EMPTY_VALUE constant usually corresponds to the values of indicators that are not shown in the chart. For example, for built-in indicator Standard Deviation with a period of 20, the line for the first 19 bars in the history are not shown in the chart. The CLR_NONE constant is used to outline the absence of color, it means that the graphical object or graphical series of an indicator will not be plotted. This constant was not included into the Web-color constants list, but it can be applied everywhere where the color arguments are required. The INVALID_HANDLE constant can be used for checking file handles (see FileOpen() and FileFindFirst()). The WRONG_VALUE constant is intended for cases, when it is necessary to return value of an enumeration, and this must be a wrong value. For example, when we need to inform that a return value is a value from this enumeration. Let's consider as an example some function CheckLineStyle(), which returns the line style for an object, specified by its name. If at style check by ObjectGetInteger() the result is true, a value from ENUM_LINE_STYLE is returned; otherwise WRONG_VALUE is returned.
The WHOLE_ARRAY constant is intended for functions that require specifying the number of elements in processed arrays: If you want to specify that all the array values from a specified position till the end must be processed, you should specify just the WHOLE_ARRAY value. IS_PROFILE_MODE constant allows changing a program operation for correct data collection in the profiling mode. Profiling allows measuring the execution time of the individual program fragments (usually comprising functions), as well as calculating the number of such calls. Sleep() function calls can be disabled to determine the execution time in the profiling mode, like in this example:
IS_PROFILE_MODE constant value is set by the compiler during the compilation, while it is set to zero in conventional mode. When launching a program in the profiling mode, a special compilation is performed and IS_PROFILE_MODE is replaced with a non-zero value. The IS_DEBUG_MODE constant can be useful when you need to slightly change the operation of a mql4 program in the debugging mode. For example, in debug mode you may need to display additional debugging information in the terminal log or create additional graphical objects in a chart. The following example creates a Label object and sets its description and color depending on the script running mode. In order to run a script in the debug mode from MetaEditor, press F5. If you run the script from the browser window in the terminal, then the color and text of the object Label will be different. Example:
Crypt MethodsThe ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD enumeration is used to specify the data transformation method, used in CryptEncode() and CryptDecode() functions.
See also DebugBreak(), Executed MQL4 program properties, CryptEncode(), CryptDecode() |