MQL4 Reference Constants, Enumerations and Structures Named Constants Predefined Macro Substitutions

MQL4 Help as One File:

Predefined Macro Substitutions

To simplify the debugging process and obtain information about operation of a mql4-program, there are special macro constant, values of which are set at the moment of compilation. The easiest way to use these constants is outputting values by the Print() function, as it's shown in the example.




File compilation date without time (hours, minutes and seconds are equal to 0)


File compilation date and time


Line number in the source code, in which the macro is located


Name of the currently compiled file


An absolute path to the file that is currently being compiled


Name of the function, in whose body the macro is located


Signature of the function in whose body the macro is located. Logging of the full description of functions can be useful in the identification of overloaded functions


Compiler build number


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//| Expert initialization function                                   |
void OnInit()
//--- an example of information output at Expert Advisor initialization
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__);
//--- set the interval between the timer events
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- an example of information output at Expert Advisor deinitialization
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__);
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- information output at tick receipt
   Print(" __MQLBUILD__ = ",__MQLBUILD__,"  __FILE__ = ",__FILE__);
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__);
//| test1                                                            |
void test1(string par)
//--- information output inside the function
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__," par = ",par);
//| test2                                                            |
void test2()
//--- information output inside the function
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__);
//| OnTimer event handler                                            |
void OnTimer()
   Print(" __FUNCTION__ = ",__FUNCTION__,"  __LINE__ = ",__LINE__);