MQL4 Reference Language Basics Data Types Integer Types Character Constants

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Character Constants

Characters as elements of a string in MQL4 are indexes in the Unicode character set. They are hexadecimal values that can be cast into integers, and that can be manipulated by integer operations like addition and subtraction.

Any single character in quotation marks or a hexadecimal ASCII code of a character as '\x10' is a character constant and is of ushort type. For example, a record of '0' type is a numerical value 30, that corresponds to the index of zero in the table of characters.


void OnStart()
//--- define character constants
   int symbol_0='0';
   int symbol_9=symbol_0+9; // get symbol '9'
//--- output values of constants 
   printf("In a decimal form: symbol_0 = %d,  symbol_9 = %d",symbol_0,symbol_9);
   printf("In a hexadecimal form: symbol_0 = 0x%x,  symbol_9 = 0x%x",symbol_0,symbol_9);
//--- enter constants into a string
   string test=""
//--- this is what they look like in a string

A backslash is a control character for a compiler when dealing with constant strings and character constants in a source text of a program. Some symbols, for example a single quote ('), double quotes ("), backslash (\) and control characters can be represented as a combination of symbols that start with a backslash (\), according to the below table:

Character name

Mnemonic code or image

Record in MQL4

Numeric value

new line (line feed)




horizontal tab  




carriage return








single quote  




double quote  




hexadecimal code



1 to 4 hexadecimal characters

decimal code



decimal number from 0 to 65535

If a backslash is followed by a character other than those described above, result is undefined.


void OnStart()
//--- declare character constants
   int a='A';
   int b='$';
   int c='©';      // code 0xA9
   int d='\xAE';   // code of the symbol ®
//--- output print constants
//--- add a character to the string
   string test="";
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- represent characters as a number
   int a1=65;
   int b1=36;
   int c1=169;
   int d1=174;
//--- add a character to the string
//--- add a character to the string
//--- add a character to the string
//--- add a character to the string

As it was mentioned above, the value of a character constant (or variable) is an index in the table of characters. Index being an integer, it can be written in different ways.

void OnStart()
   int a=0xAE;     // the code of ® corresponds to the '\xAE' literal
   int b=0x24;     // the code of $ corresponds to the '\x24' literal
   int c=0xA9;     // the code of © corresponds to the '\xA9' literal
   int d=0x263A;   // the code of ☺ corresponds to the '\x263A' literal
//--- show values
//--- add a character to the string
   string test="";
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- replace a character in a string
//--- codes of suits
   int a1=0x2660;
   int b1=0x2661;
   int c1=0x2662;
   int d1=0x2663;
//--- add a character of spades
//--- add a character of hearts
//--- add a character of diamonds
//--- add a character of clubs
//--- Example of character literals in a string

The internal representation of a character literal is the ushort type. Character constants can accept values from 0 to 65535.

See also

StringSetCharacter(), StringGetCharacter(), ShortToString(), ShortArrayToString(), StringToShortArray()